The Danish Industry Foundation focuses on three specific drivers to develop and support initiatives, activities and projects in Denmark and abroad.

Knowledge is a fundamental driver of growth. Hence, we are engaged in creating and enabling the application of new knowledge in the Danish business sector.

Competences are a prerequisite for the creation and evolution of growth.  Hence, we are engaged in ensuring that companies have access to employees, who are in possession of the necessary knowledge and competences to create growth in Danish companies.

Innovation compels us to rethink the status quo and allows access to new markets. Therefore, we seek to strengthen SMEs and entrepreneurs’ capacity to innovate.

The Danish Industry Foundation has more than 100 working projects in its project portfolio. The projects operate within four selected areas impacting the competitiveness of the Danish industry: sustainable production, cybersecurity, new technologies and internationalisation.

All projects are presented in Danish on the foundation’s website. And here, in the English version of the website, we briefly present three project examples in each of the four thematic focus areas mentioned above.

Sustainable Production

Climate Ready Company

Helping 8,000 Danish companies with the green transition. The project focuses on the industrial sector and guides the companies on their way towards higher levels of sustainability – mainly focusing on the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Decoupling 2030

By 2030, more than 4,000 Danish production companies must have started their sustainable and circular transition. The key lies in the value chains and better use of data and that is exactly where Decoupling 2030 has its focus. The project will ensure that sustainable production will be the driving force in Danish manufacturing companies’ leadership, strategy and business models and enhance the industry’s work with sustainable production.


Danish companies must transform themselves in line with a more circular economy and the Ready-2-LOOP project will help them. It focuses on companies’ value chains in order to develop a more circular production, greener business models and stronger partnerships.


The D-seal

The D-seal is Denmark’s labelling program for IT security and responsible use of data. The seal creates digital trust for customers and consumers and drive digital accountability in companies. By obtaining the D-seal companies can show their clients that they are working seriously with cybersecurity and ethical IT.


Danish companies need to be better at translating cyber secure products into competitive advantages. The CyPro project will strengthen IoT security efforts in Danish companies and ensure that IoT security receives greater focus – also at CXO level.

Cyber Risk Simulator

A simulator and training center that educates Danish boards and executives to become leaders within the strategic and practical management of cyber threats and governance. More than 300 training sessions will be conducted over 3 years and more than 5,000 executives and board members will be trained.

New technologies

AI Denmark

Artificial intelligence can be utilized in for example production processes and in digital products. Therefore, AI Denmark will enhance the development and exploitation of artificial intelligence within Danish SMEs, as well as increase the number of AI-based entrepreneurs in Denmark. Ultimately, the project will make Denmark and the Danish industry pioneers within commercial exploitation of artificial intelligence.

Health Tech Hub Copenhagen

New technologies are a part of the solution to future health challenges and call for a dynamic ecosystem of health tech companies. Therefore, the project will create an internationally oriented health tech ecosystem in Denmark through activities that strengthen Danish companies within the field.


DAMRC is Denmark’s national knowledge and competence center focusing on subtractive manufacturing processes. DAMRC assists manufacturing companies when they want to adapt and implement new technology and also helps companies with their green transition.


Danish Export Academy

Danish SMEs have the potential to increase exports. Therefore, the Danish Export Academy will professionalize and upskill Danish exporters – and inspire non-exporting companies to initiate a focused internationalization process. The project will, among other things, digitize Danish exporters and thereby optimize their sales processes and increase their rate of success and, furthermore, educate and inspire companies in order to make more SMEs more ambitious regarding exports.

Leap Forward

Diversity in the Danish startup environment is lagging. This is an impediment to international growth and competitiveness. Therefore, Leap Forward will support startups that have at least one woman in the founding team and help them gain momentum on the global stage in order to win customers and generate new export sales.

SDG Landing Pad

Danish companies provide great solutions to some of the world’s global challenges. Therefore, SDG Landing Pad will enhance Danish competitiveness by helping companies with exports and international networks facilitated by selected Danish clusters and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.


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