Mission and strategy


The Danish Industry Foundation’s mission is to promote the competitiveness of the Danish business sector.

Competitiveness as a concept should be interpreted broadly. The foundation is particularly concerned with strengthening companies’ ability to add value and create employment, thereby benefitting Denmark as a whole.

Focus areas

The Danish Industry Foundation has identified four thematic areas, which we deem essential for the Danish business sector’s competitiveness.

  • Sustainable production whilst simultaneously creating growth
  • Cybersecurity from a commercial angle
  • New technologies and how to adopt them
  • International mindset that permeates all aspects of the business

Target group

The Foundation’s target group covers all Danish companies, but SMEs and entrepreneurs with the potential to create growth and jobs are an area of special interest.

The Foundation may support projects intended for only a few companies, but the emphasis is always on making the new knowledge available to the business community and society at large and ensuring that the companies’ participation in the Foundation’s projects make an active contribution towards spreading knowledge, competences and innovation for the benefit of all.

Additionally, the Foundation focuses on projects that will in general contribute towards increasing growth and competitiveness for the Danish industry.

The Foundation’s value creation

The Danish Industry Foundation is a committed philanthropic foundation and works to ensure that each Danish krone given and every single project has a positive impact on the competitiveness of the Danish industry. The Danish Industry Foundation creates value by:

  • Being a catalyst for change in both the individual companies and society at large
  • Striving for the greatest impact possible, thereby scaling projects and knowledge to reach the many
  • Being curious and taking the lead when it comes to embracing the future
  • Being agile and willing to take risks

The Foundation’s instruments

In order to create change, the Danish Industry Foundation uses a wide variety of instruments:

  • The Foundation enters into partnerships with others when it leads to greater chances of implementing large projects that benefit Danish industry
  • The Foundation welcomes unsolicited applications that contribute towards increasing growth and competitiveness
  • The Foundation frequently sends out theme-based calls for applications defined by the Danish business community
  • The Foundation develops its own initiatives aimed at helping Danish businesses in selected areas
  • Finally, the Foundation also communicates new knowledge and results to the Danish business community

Organisation and Governance

The Board of Directors is the Danish Industry Foundation’s supreme authority. The board is in charge of overseeing the Foundation’s activities and ensuring that the activities are planned, managed and executed in a sound manner consistent with the provisions of the law and the Foundation’s by-laws.

The board employs a director, who manages the daily operation. The Danish Industry Foundation’s strategy and allocation policy adresses the Foundation’s focus areas, value creation and instruments. The publication is available below.

Grant policy and strategy

Read about the Danish Industry’s strategy and allocation policy in it’s entirety.


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